
Total Population

Birth Rates
The birth rate is a measure that describes the number of births for a population or area for every thousand people. Birth rates for both Napa County and California are presented here.
In recent years, birth rates have decreased in both Napa County and California, and Napa County has maintained a lower birth rate than the state over this same period.
Death Rates
The death rate is a measure that describes the number of deaths for a population or area for every thousand people. The death rates for both Napa County and California presented here have not been adjusted for age of the population.
Death rates have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. See the Health Outcomes & Health Behaviors page for more information about causes of death and the impact of COVID-19.
Population Projections
The total population in Napa County is projected to decrease. Population growth rate is shaped by the number of births, deaths, and people moving into and out of the area.


Population by Age Groups
Different age groups typically have distinct interests, priorities, employment, and other needs, which is why it is helpful to know approximately how many people in a given age group live in our community.
Infants and Young Children (0-4)
This youngest age group has decreased in size both within the county and in the state as a whole, reflecting both the decreasing birth rate and the relative increase in the sizes of other age groups, including older adults.
Adults Aged 65 and Older
In contrast to the under-five population, the proportion of older adults in Napa County has consistently exceeded the statewide average.

Race & Ethnicity

Race is a category often used to identify an individual’s apparent biological heritage (based on physical characteristics), although the notion that there are clear, biologically-fixed characteristics that distinguish one race from another is not supported by science. An individual’s racial identity – and in particular, the group to which others see an individual as belonging – has a large influence on all aspects of their life.
Ethnicity is often used to describe an individual’s cultural heritage – the group or groups with which a person shares history, customs, norms, and activities – even when the person may not share skin color (or other physical characteristics used to describe race) with others in the group. The United States Census identifies Hispanic and Latino designations as referring to a person’s ethnicity rather than their race.
About one-third of Napa County residents identify as Latine or Hispanic. 

Sex & Gender

Napa County’s population is evenly divided by sex, with 50% women and 50% men. It is important to note that the source of this data, the US Census Bureau's American Community Survey, only collects data on “males” and “females”. No other answer options were provided in the survey. 

For demographic purposes, the term sex refers to biological features that classify people as “male” or “female" while gender refers to the socially constructed characteristics of women and men, such as norms, roles and relationships. Some individuals may be born with physical characteristics of both sexes (“intersex”). Transgender individuals' gender identity differs from the sex they were assigned at birth. Nonbinary is an umbrella term for individuals who do not conform to traditional binary gender roles of men and women. Reliable estimates of these populations are not available for Napa County.
Click HERE for more information about transgender populations in the US.
Click HERE for more information about nonbinary populations in the US.

Social Demographics

Health Insurance
This graph shows the health insurance status of non-institutionalized Napa County residents, which excludes active-duty military personnel and persons living in institutional group quarters, such as correctional facilities and nursing homes.
This graph depicts non-institutionalized Napa County residents with a self-reported disability, which excludes active-duty military personnel and persons living in institutional group quarters, such as correctional facilities and nursing homes. Here, disability is defined as experiencing one or more of the following difficulties: hearing, vision, cognitive function, ambulation, self-care, or independent living.
Households where no one speaks English "very well" may have difficulty accessing information on community events, social and health services, and critical information during an emergency through mainstream sources. A lack of resources in languages other than English can lead to low use of social services and health care, decreased quality of care, and misinformation during an emergency.
There are many benefits to graduating from high school. Community, school, and family circumstances influence the likelihood that a young person will complete high school. Education has been linked to many health indicators, as outlined in an editorial in the prominent medical journal Lancet:
"Education and health and wellbeing are intrinsically linked. The evidence behind the importance of education as a determinant of health is amongst the most compelling. Education is strongly associated with life expectancy, morbidity, health behaviors, and educational attainment plays an important role in health by shaping opportunities, employment, and income." 
Household income is the total amount of money coming in from jobs, investments, retirement income and pensions, and government assistance programs. Income provides one way to measure economic wellbeing. Economic wellbeing impacts health in multiple, often compounding, ways, including access to healthcare, healthy foods, and safe homes.
Income inequality affects everyone. 
"Communities with greater income inequality can experience a loss of social connectedness, as well as decreases in trust, social support, and a sense of community for all residents. "  - County Health Rankings 
The census tract 2009, which is home to Napa State Hospital, has been excluded from this map because income estimates are unreliable for this population.  

Voter participation is defined as the percentage of eligible voters who actually voted.
Social Vulnerability
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) combines 16 social and economic conditions that may affect a community’s resiliency. Vulnerability scores range from 0 (lowest vulnerability) to 1 (highest vulnerability). 
The SVI and its individual indicators can be used to identify communities that need support in preparing for hazards or recovering from disasters. It can also be used to identify communities that may benefit from additional support to reduce certain social and economic conditions that adversely affect health. By reducing social vulnerability, we can improve health outcomes not only in a disaster but also in daily life.
Compared to the State, Napa County is higher (more vulnerable) in two out of the 15 SVI indicators; 1) the population aged 65 or older and 2) civilians with a disability.
At the census tract level, social vulnerability varies across the County, and no neighborhoods stand out as being highly vulnerable across all categories.